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Regionwide Plans

Western North Carolina Passenger Rail Feasibility Study

The Western North Carolina (WNC) Passenger Rail Feasibility Study (the study) provides conceptual level capital costs, operating costs, and a range of ridership and revenue associated with a new intercity passenger service connecting Asheville, N.C. with passenger rail services in Salisbury, N.C. The Asheville-to-Salisbury service would operate along the Norfolk Southern (NS) AS-Line for approximately 139 miles.

Final Report

Regional Transit Feasibility Study

This study kicked off in 2020 and developed recommendations for cross-jurisdictional public transit in the FBRMPO planning area by identifying potential routes and opportunities for coordination (such as establishing a Regional Transit Authority), developing funding strategies, and creating an implementation plan.

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Executive Summary

Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP)

The Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) is the regions multi-modal transportation plan that seeks to identify needed improvements. The CTP represents a community’s consensus on the future transportation system (including the existing system and improvements) needed to support anticipated growth and development over a 25-30 year timeframe. When a CTP is adopted by NCDOT, it represents the state’s concurrence with the identified transportation needs and proposed recommendations.

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CTP amendments – Adopted 3/26/20

Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2045 (MTP 2045)

The complete plan, appendices and maps can be found on the MTP page.

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP, previously known as LRTP) looks 25 years into the future. It forecasts changes in the region and seeks to identify transportation improvements needed to keep travelers and good moving smoothly and how to pay for those improvements.

2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (Replaced by MTP 2045)

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MTP Amendments – Adopted May 2018

MTP Amendments – Adopted October 2019

The Hellbender Regional Trail Plan – Adopted: 2020

The Hellbender Regional Trail plan outlines a regional bicycle and pedestrian network connecting communities in Western North Carolina. It was developed by a workgroup of regional stakeholders including staff, elected officials, and advocates.


Congestion Management Process – Adopted: 2018

The Congestion Management Process (CMP) lays out a strategic process to identify, manage, and monitor congestion in the MPO’s planning area. The CMP strengthens the link between long-range goals and objectives from the MTP to projects in the region’s TIP by identifying cost-effective, multi-modal strategies to address congestion and safety issues along key corridors.

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Asheville Area Congestion Management Report 2021

Asheville Area Congestion Management Report 2023

Transportation Demand Management

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies that aims to use transportation resources more efficiently.

TDM strategies include:

  • Improved transit options, such as set route transit and dial-a-ride services
  • Improved non-motorized planning and facilities (sidewalks, crosswalks and bike lanes)
  • Incentives to use alternative modes and reduce driving
  • Parking and Land Use management
  • Universal Design (transport systems that accommodate all users)

View Long-Range Transportation Demand Management Plan

GO MTN is a TDM program that works to offer sustainable commute solutions for Western North Carolian. Check out the Facebook for more information.

STRIVE BEYOND is a TDM initiative that collaborates with stakeholders in the region to lead efforts each year in May to work and think beyond the car. Events include commuter challenges, walk audits, bike to school days and a keynote summit.

2013 Blue Ridge Bike Plan

The Blue Ridge Bike Plan identifies and articulates the best fit solutions to improve safety and increase potential for people to bicycle around the region.

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Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan

The Locally Coordinated Plan (LCP) provides a framework for the development of projects to address transportation needs of the target populations by ensuring that FBRMPO and public transportation and human service agencies coordinate transportation resources offered through Federal Transit Administration programs.

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5307 Transit Formula

French Broad MPO makes federal resources available to urbanized areas (UZAs) for transit capital and operating assistance for transportation related planning. FBMPO is responsible for sub-allocation formula for S.5307 funds to support transit systems not only operated in the City of Asheville, but also by Henderson, Buncombe, and Haywood Counties.

View 5307 Transit Formula Study

Regional Wildlife Crossings

This report reflects an initial review of the French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Land of Sky Rural Planning Organization (RPO) planning areas for potential wildlife crossing locations along area roads and highways.

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