Despite the challenges presented by the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, the FBRMPO’s work to cooperatively allocate federal and state transportation funds to programs and projects that improve roadway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure continues.
The following page has information regarding the COVID-19 pandemics’ impact on transportation for the five-county MPO region. This page will be updated as information becomes available. MPO staff provided an update on COVID and transportation data to the Prioritization subcommittee on 12/01/20. That presentation can be found here and is posted as an interactive PDF near the bottom of this page.
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in MPO Region
The graph shows the difference in daily VMT over the past few months versus the average for the last few years. The values are averaged out over 7 days to adjust for peak volumes. At it’s anticipated worst, on April 12th, volumes were down nearly 60% across the region. More info: What is VMT?
Traffic Crashes in North Carolina
A statewide report regarding the impact of COVID-19 on traffic crashes is updated each Monday by NCDOT. Follow the link below for the most up-to-date information. County/local data is not available at this time due to reporting delays.
Unemployment Statistics in MPO Region
Sales Tax by County (2019 vs 2020)
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