DRAFT 2020 Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) for French Broad River MPO
This GIS file contains baseline data per TAZ (Total Population, Total Households, Total Employees, Total K-12 Student Enrollment). Additional baseline data will be provided in the near future.
2024-2033 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Interactive Map
An interactive tool to explore the 2024-2033 TIP. Using this tool, the user can search for projects by route name, TIP number, city, county, and more.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2045 Map
A project map of all projects (highway, bike, pedestrian, transit) included in the MTP 2045, including project amendments.
NCDOT Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Map
The North Carolina Department of Transportation collects traffic data statewide to analyze and support planning, design, construction, maintenance, operation and research activities required to manage North Carolina’s transportation system. NCDOT uses traffic count stations and publishes reports annually, with secondary roads being counted typically every two years.
FBRMPO Functional Classification Map
The FBRMPO Functional Class map represents all maintained roads with functional classification assignments. As defined by the United States Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), functional classification is the process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the character of service they are intended to provide.
Safety Performance Targets and Data
Federal regulations require MPOs and State DOTs to set targets for five safety performance measures. The most recent targets and numbers are reported below. Targets are based on NCDOT’s methodology of reducing crashes by 50% by the year 2030.
NCDOT adopted its 2021(current) safety targets in August 2020. These measures were adopted by the FBRMPO Board in February 2021 and align with the State Highway Safety Plan goal of cutting fatalities and serious injuries by 50% by 2035, and zero by 2050.
2023 Safety Performance Targets – MPO Region | |
Target | 2023 Target (5 – Year Average) |
Reduce Total Fatalities | 43.7 |
Reduce the Fatality Rate | 0.876 |
Reduce Total Serious Injuries | 105.6 |
Reduce the Serious Injury Rate | 2.096 |
Reduce the total nonmotorized fatalities and serious injuries | 15.1 |
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