828.251.6622  |   mpo@landofsky.org

Transit Grant Opportunities

Below are currently available transit funding opportunities. This page will be updated as more funding opportunities open up through the FBRMPO and other agencies and organizations such as the FTA and NADTC.

Current/Ongoing Transit Grant Opportunities 


Jobs Access Reverse Commute (JARC) falls under the Human Services Transportation grant funding as well. The goal of JARC is to improve access to transportation services to employment and employment related activities for welfare recipients and eligible low-income individuals and to transport residents of urbanized areas and non-urbanized areas to suburban employment opportunities. JARC funding in the FBRMPO region is calculated based on a 10% set-aside from the 5307 urban transit formula apportioned for the Asheville Urbanized Area.

FY24 JARC Application – Applications are due by February 20, 2025 at 5pm. Please send completed application to mpo@landofsky.org.


The French Broad River MPO holds the call for the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program (49 USC Section 5310). The 5310 Program provides FTA funding to aid non-profit organizations, private operators, and public agencies in providing coordinated transportation services that are designed, planned, and implemented in order to meet the needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities.

Section 5310 Program and Eligibility Requirements

5310 funds are available for capital and operating expenses to support the provision of transportation services to meet the specific needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities. Requirements are detailed in the City of Asheville’s Program Management Plan. 

At least 55% of annual apportionment must be used for public transportation capital projects. Up to 45% of apportionment may be used for additional transportation projects that exceed ADA requirements, improve access to fixed-route service, or provide alternatives to transportation for the target population.

Reference Materials:

FY24 5310 Application – Applications are due by February 20, 2025 at 5pm. Please send completed application to mpo@landofsky.org.

FBRMPO Community Transportation Stakeholders Mailing List

If you would like to be added to the FBRMPO “Community Transportation Stakeholders” list and be notified about 5310 and JARC calls for projects, please contact mpo@landofsky.org with your name, agency name and email address.